Erica Carrico

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How To STOP Procrastinating So You Can Get Sh*t Done! (The Ladies Coach Feature)

"Procrastinating is something we all do, and ironically it usually rears its ugly head when we have a million things on our to-do list. It can happen with anything in our lives from significant tasks such as finding a new career to minor tasks like cleaning out your closet. In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret. I was even procrastinating on writing an article about procrastination! How funny is that! So, see what I mean, it happens to all of us.

When hours or even days go by, and you still can’t seem to motivate yourself, it brings up all kinds of negative emotions like stress, anxiety, self-doubt, dread, and you may even start to criticize yourself for not being able to find the motivation to do the thing you need to do. It’s an endless cycle and a downward spiral. Don’t let procrastination have power over you.

Wanna know how to stop procrastinating so you can make this your best year yet?"

Click HERE to check out my 6 simple steps:

 How To STOP Procrastinating So You Can Get Sh*t Done!

Frustrated and stuck in the wrong career?

Ready to find your life's purpose and start a business that's in alignment with what you were put on earth to do?

Watch my FREE Career Masterclass to find your life purpose and start planning your escape!!

About Erica

Erica Carrico is an International Life Purpose Coach, world traveler, adventure seeker, free spirit, and mommy of 2. 

Through coaching services, speaking, and writing, Erica helps holistic & spiritual professionals who are frustrated and stuck in the wrong career, discover their life purpose and start a soul-aligned business so they can finally earn a living doing what they absolutely love. What they were put on earth to do. 

Erica has a BS in Psychology, an MS in Nonprofit Management, life and career coaching certifications, 12+ years experience in business leadership and international recruitment, built a fully-booked soul-aligned business within a year, has traveled through over 50 different countries, and is obsessed with helping thousands of people all around the world live lives full of passion, purpose, freedom, and adventure. 

To follow more of Erica’s work, you can find her hanging out on FACEBOOKINSTAGRAM, and LINKED IN.