Ordinary to Badass Podcast Feature: You're Here for More

Ordinary to Badass Podcast Feature: You're Here for More

I grew up going on adventures with my parents and exploring the world became a way of life for me. Not long after graduating I began to feel like I needed to follow the typical path and started what would be a seven year journey in a corporate career before I finally listened to the nagging voice telling me I was here for more.

Meet Trailblazer Erica Carrico

Meet Trailblazer Erica Carrico

In this article with Voyage Denver, I'm featured as a Trailblazer and share my story - how I started my business and how I got to where I am today! We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but I've spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. This journey hasn't been easy for me, so I share my struggles and how I overcome them to create the life I've always dreamed of.

Peaceful Body Podcast Feature: Finding your purpose and cultivating self love on a cellular level

Peaceful Body Podcast Feature: Finding your purpose and cultivating self love on a cellular level

What does healing your relationship with your body have to do with fullfilling your purpose? EVERYTHING.⁠ Find out how I healed mine and how you can do the same.

8 Diet Changes I Made to Fuel My Purpose

8 Diet Changes I Made to Fuel My Purpose

I knew deep down that I was here for something bigger, that my life had a purpose, but I couldn’t seem to figure out what that was. Looking back now, I see it so clearly. I was so focused on the chaos that I wasn’t taking care of what mattered most – my body, my health and in turn, my heart and my soul. 

Struggling To Find Your Life Purpose?

Struggling To Find Your Life Purpose?

Clients come to me not really knowing what their life purpose is, but they feel a strong sense of longing to uncover it. Usually it's right underneath their noses, they just need a bit of direction and clarity to bring their life purpose to the light.

We Can't Run From Ourselves & 6 Lessons From Living Abroad (Tiny Buddha Feature)

We Can't Run From Ourselves & 6 Lessons From Living Abroad (Tiny Buddha Feature)

“Maybe the journey isn’t so much about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about un-becoming everything that isn’t really you… so you can be who you were meant to be in the first place.” ~Unknown

My Top 5 Career Aptitude Tests - Find Your Dream Career & Life Purpose

My Top 5 Career Aptitude Tests - Find Your Dream Career & Life Purpose

There is no better feeling than to be living your purpose, and earn a living doing so. But what if we don’t know what our purpose is?

Why I became a Heart-Centered Career Coach

Why I became a Heart-Centered Career Coach

I believe everyone is here for a reason, and our purpose lies in our passions. As human beings, our bodies, minds, and hearts are designed to be doing things we love.