Tips to Deal With Your Natural Dark Emotions

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Tips to Deal With Your Natural Dark Emotions

I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to chat with David from the Inspiration Rising Podcast about my cancer diagnosis and journey, and current life changes.

We also talked about dealing with your emotions when they take you to dark places and what I call The Void.

I shared my tips on how I deal with these natural dark emotions. Afterall, our brains are actually wired to go to dark places.

Tune in HERE or wherever you listen to podcasts to find out what they are!

So much love and light,

Erica xx

Ps. If you want to grow your business to Six Figures, my program Soul Business Accelerator: Your Six-Figure Roadmap is for you! It's the exact process I built my business to consistent $10K months and how I help my clients do the same. Head here to learn more and sign up!