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What actually is FEAR? We've all experienced it.

You're probably experiencing it right now in one area of your life or another. I know I am!

Maybe you have an idea for a business that you want to launch, but you're terrified of "Will I actually be able to make it work?"

“What are my friends and family going to think?” 

“What if I fail?”

“What if I succeed?”

OR, maybe you're already in your business right now and you have a fear of putting yourself out there ON VIDEO.

You have a fear of publishing your website.

You have a fear of public speaking.

So how do we work through fear? How do we NOT let it stop us? 

One of people's greatest regrets when they come to the end of their lives, is that they let FEAR hold them back. They let FEAR stop them from doing the things they always dreamed of.

In this video, I share with you how NOT to let fear hold you back. How to work through the fear so you can achieve the big things you want to achieve. So you can take the leap. So you can finally stop thinking about it and actually start doing it. 

The world needs you. They need your Divine gifts. They need your medicine that only YOU can bring to the world. By fear holding you back, not only are you doing yourself a disservice, but you're doing those you're meant to help, a disservice as well.

Check out this video on FEAR - and how NOT to let it stop you.

Huge Love,

Erica xo

Ps. If you want to learn how to go deeper and grow your business to Six Figures, my program Soul Business Accelerator: Your Six-Figure Roadmap is for you! It's the exact process I built my business to consistent $10K months and how I help my clients do the same. Head here to learn more and sign up!